Click album covers for links. Feel free to share your opinions on these albums and keep in mind that what I write are merely my thoughts and feelings and I do not expect them to be shared.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Vampire Weekend - Contra (2010)

On Contra, Vampire Weekend’s sound remains mostly unchanged. The only difference is that they do seem to have gotten a bit more adventurous on this album and the songs sound somewhat less constrained, as if they were not as concerned with creating the same crisp, clean, shiny pop album they did in 2008. However, this more adventurous spirit does not really translate into a vastly different album. Their aesthetic is identical. The vocals are exactly the same, singing the same midtempo pop tunes, sounding completely unthreatening. The band may try some new things instrumentally, with melodies that are slightly more interesting than those on their debut, but the main problem I had with Vampire Weekend is still evident on Contra. They sound too safe, almost boring. The best thing I can say about Contra is that there are some nice melodies, and it is slightly more compelling than their debut. If you liked their debut, I see no reason you wont like this album. My complaints are with the band itself, not this album specifically. They sound like they look—entirely safe—with their polo shirts tucked in and clean-cut appearance. I don’t really care how they look, but they just sound too processed. I don’t like the vocals which don’t really sound all that human, they are so sunny that they lack any immediately detectable emotion. These songs work in the sense that they are works of art that took some talent and creativity to create. They are somewhat catchy and the band is trying some new things, but Contra lacks a real distinct personality. This is odd, since I cant think of anyone noteworthy that sounds like them post 1980s, but creativity does not necessarily make something compelling. I wish they would play with a bit more of an edge, make their sound a bit less clean, and more overtly emotional. The many people who loved their debut will probably love this. It isn’t a bad album, but I get minimal gratification from listening to it.

Vampire Weekend doesn't want me to share their music with you. You can't buy polo shirts and slacks if your albums ain't selling like hotcakes at your local Friendly's.

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Max said...
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