Click album covers for links. Feel free to share your opinions on these albums and keep in mind that what I write are merely my thoughts and feelings and I do not expect them to be shared.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Caribou - Swim (2010)

In 2007 Caribou’s fourth album, which was his second under the “Caribou” moniker was really more of an ambient pop album that used electronic elements but wasn’t completely dominated by them. That was a first from him and it resulted in a more coherent album than his other Caribou album or either of his two under the name “Manitoba.” Swim is predominantly an electronic album but it is hard to pinpoint exactly what style of electronic music it is. Sometimes it’s clearly ambient techno, other times it has an atmospheric vibe like Autechre. Some tracks, like “Leave House” are closer to the poppiness of Andorra, which I loved. Overall, this is a good album with a lot of pleasant sounds that don’t sound overly derivative, but listening to it, it may be difficult to know exactly what you’re listening to.

1 comment:

Max said...
