Click album covers for links. Feel free to share your opinions on these albums and keep in mind that what I write are merely my thoughts and feelings and I do not expect them to be shared.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thrushes - Night Falls (2010)

Thrushes have just released their second album, Night Falls, and it’s a winner in my book. This band from Baltimore sounds a bit like The Cure with vocals reminiscent of Rainer Maria. It’s a recipe for success, since I love The Cure’s dark, brooding, bass-heavy style, and Rainer Maria had gorgeous, emotive vocals. I actually had to check the band’s website to make sure the singer wasn’t Caithlin from Rainer Maria (it isn’t). Lyrically, this is in line with those latter-day emo groups who sang introspective lines, often sung in the first person and directed at someone who caused the singer some intense sadness. Sometimes the music sort of drowns out the vocals though, but that’s a small complaint when the album is really a good example of this type of music at it’s strongest.

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Max said...


scott said...

Hmmm...I must hear this Rainer Maria.


shoegaze rainer maria. thought so, too.
: )